

All paths are the same, they lead us nowhere. Therefore choose a path with your heart.

Carlos Castaneda


Of footpaths, rivers, plants and stars

Nature is one of those commonly held assets that we are honour-bound to nurture and respect because it is a legacy that we need to bequeath intact to future generations. Cordoba and the surrounding province provide a home to natural landscapes that have avoided being spoilt by mankind and have remained unaltered for centuries. Guided by wildlife experts (biologists, ornithologists and mycologists), we will explore these ancient habitats and try to understand what Mother Nature is trying to say to us. The natural parks of Sierra de Hornachuelos, Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro and Sierras Subbéticas, as well as wetlands and other non-protected habitats in Sierra Morena, will provide the perfect settings for gently exploring on foot and engaging in fun activities suitable for all ages. Each season of the year brings its own attractions: collecting and identifying plants with medicinal and culinary uses throughout the year; hunting for wild fungi and asparagus in spring and autumn; learning survival techniques in the mountains; exploring exuberant vegetation and hidden caves; swimming and having mud baths, and so on.

But the Cordoba sky is also a jewel of nature: in 2014 Sierra Morena was designated as a Starlight Reserve and with its area covering 400,000 hectares it is the largest such reserve in the world and a leading destination for stargazing tourists. Summer is the best time of year to marvel at the star-studded night sky, either on foot or in a canoe, in silence or in the midst of an animated group – a spectacle that is so special and intimate that we will earnestly wish for the sun never to dawn…

And for those who prefer urban walking, we have another enticing proposal that comes courtesy of our river, the Guadalquivir. As it passes through Cordoba, Andalusia’s longest river creates a singular natural habitat known as the Sotos de la Albolafia, designated as an official Site of Natural Interest in 2001. During our gentle stroll along the river we’ll learn that there are more than 120 species of bird that nest just a stone’s throw away from the Mezquita-Cathedral and hear the story of the mediaeval watermills – which were so important for the economic development of the city – and the verdant haven located right in the heart of the city that is the Botanical Garden.